Orange Cones, Second Grader Q&A, and More In Noblesville
March City Council Updates
A newsletter updating you on what’s happening in Noblesville
My Contact Info:
The Council met twice since my last update (February 28th & March 14th).
Construction season is right around the corner and we're going to have lots of it over the next few months! Each month, the City will have an updated map for distribution detailing the traffic detours and projects you should be aware of. I've included the map for March below and will keep those circulating every month as we move through spring, summer, and fall!
One project in particular that I want to draw attention to this month is the modifications coming to the Roundabout at 10th/Christian/Greenfield. To make it safer, construction crews will be reconfiguring this intersection from March 27 - April 10 (during Noblesville Schools' Spring Break).
The Lions on Connor Speak!
Driving around town, it's clear that campaign season is well underway. I'm grateful for the show of support by so many of you, including local celebrities: the Lions on Connor!
We have a few signs left and are looking for spots in yards in Downtown, Wellingtons, Monterey Village, Oakmont, Sagewood, Settlers Mill and off River Road. Let me know if this sounds like you (or someone you know)!
Hard-Hitting Questions from Hazel Dell Hawks
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to speak with the Second Graders at Hazel Dell Elementary about Noblesville's past and future.
The best moment of the day: I talked about the ducks that Noblesville Main Street drops off the bridge for the duck race to audible shrieks in the audience. They thought they threw *real* ducks into the White River. Things recovered after I clarified no real ducks were harmed in the Duck Race.
Thanks for having me!
Pleasant Street Update
Project Overview: The Pleasant Street project is a multi-year initiative to improve east-west connectivity in Noblesville. The project will be completed in three phases, the first of which is currently underway.
Phase One: River Road to 10th Street
Phase Two: 10th Street to SR 37
Phase Three: River Road to SR 32
For a map of the planned corridor, click here. If you'd like to see a flyover, click here.
IMPORTANT: Phase One Construction Detours (COMING IN MAY)
The next major phase of the Pleasant Street project will be to construct the roundabouts on 8th Street.
This part of the project will require a full closure of 8th Street starting in May and will last through October.
I've included a closure map below.
The Riverwalk Trail is currently closed from Division Street to Vine Street to construct the connection to the Midland Trace Trail and a pedestrian tunnel underneath the new Pleasant Street. This section of the trail is anticipated to be closed until November 2024.
Breaking the Mold on New Development
As Noblesville grows, private development will play a key role in building the vision the City sets for its future. Each month, I'll share some of the examples of new development I've seen around the country that I believe we should look to as examples down the road.
In Chicago's Lincoln Park (1015 West Webster Ave), there's a great example of an in-fill project that ADDS to the character of the street. The building matches the style of architecture, has recessed windows providing depth to the facade, and activates the first floor with retail. It's a win-win for good development.
Noblesville "In the News"
Here are a few stories you may have missed on Noblesville over the past month:
The Current: City of Noblesville to host open house for Pleasant Street project
Hamilton County Reporter: Noblesville Firefighter Todd Amstutz retiring after 20 years of service
Hamilton County Reporter: Noblesville receives $5.9M in new funding for infrastructure projects
IndyStar: Google Earth time-lapse of Noblesville between 1984-2020
The Current: Noblesville lawmaker’s bills for tax relief, robotics education opportunities advance to Senate
Hamilton County Reporter: Noblesville receives $5.9M in new funding for infrastructure projects